Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Cognitive Decathlon

A few years back, I worked on a project for DARPA in which we developed a test specification called "The Cognitive Decathlon".  It is essentially a version of the Turing Test which was designed to evaluate the capabilities of biologically-inspired artificially intelligent agents.  You can read more about it here, here, and here.  Sadly (and perhaps inevitably), the program was canceled before we could implement the test specification.   

However, I have just published a paper in the International Journal of Machine Consciousness describing how many of these tests are now available in PEBL.
I'm calling these tests the "The PEBL Cognitive Decathlon", and they represent sets of tasks that I believe to be maximally informative for

It can be cited as:

Mueller, S. T. (2010). A partial implementation of the BICA cognitive decathlon using the Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL).  International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 2, 273-288.

This work was recently featured on the Wired "Danger Room" Blog, and there is an conference in October 2010 that covers a lot of the science behind Biologically-inspired artificial intelligence.

Please contact me to for a pdf copy.

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