Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I've been DMCA'ed--Updated

The screencast of the running PEBL Trails experiment in the last blog post received a DMCA notice on YouTube.  The complainant was SpecialtyAutomated.  SpecialtyAutomated is also the name of a company that sells a number of different cognitive tests, including an online Trail-making test.  I have no way of knowing whether the complainant was a representative of that company.

UPDATE:  After I filed a DMCA counter-claim, and following about two weeks of being blocked, the video was finally reinstated. Yay.  According to Google, the process goes like this:

After we receive your counter-notification, we will forward it to the party who submitted the original claim of copyright infringement. Please note that when we forward the counter-notification, it includes your personal information. By submitting a counter-notification, you consent to having your information revealed in this way. We will not forward the counter-notification to any party other than the original claimant.
After we send out the counter-notification, the claimant must then notify us within 10 business days that he or she has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain you from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on YouTube. If we receive such notification we will be unable to restore the material. If we do not receive such notification, we may reinstate the material.

This means that (1) the claimant has my contact information, and (2) they did not notify youtube within 10 days that they had filed an action.   Perhaps connected to this (I still don't know who really filed the DMCA notice on Youtube, because the DMCA notice does not provide me with their contact information) I was contacted by a representative of Specialty Automated, the company, asking me to remove mention of their client from this space.  They did not outline what the supposedly false information I wrote was.  So I'm updating this entry removing most of my discussion from the earlier post, at least temporarily, seeing as how the video was reinstated.

Note that I have not (yet) received any apology from any representative of SpecialtyAutomated for incorrectly issuing a DMCA notice on Youtube, or an assertion that they are not connected with whoever issued the notice.  If I receive one, I will post an update in this space.

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